Jerome bae yoon jung
Jerome bae yoon jung

Or a differential coefficient decrease rate that is not included inĮither of the preset reference increase rate range or the preset Is configured to: select a differential coefficient increase rate Is an increase of the electrode reaction resistance, the processor Wherein when it is diagnosed that the electrode reaction resistance The apparatus for diagnosing battery according to claim 1, Range is equal to or greater than a preset reference number.Ĥ.

jerome bae yoon jung

Reference increase rate range or the preset reference decrease rate Of the electrode reaction resistance is an increase of theĮlectrode reaction resistance only when a total number ofĬalculated differential coefficient increase rates and differentialĬoefficient decrease rates not included in either of the preset Preset reference decrease rate range and determine that the change Inflection point, determine whether the calculated differentialĬoefficient increase rate or differential coefficient decrease rateīelongs to the preset reference increase rate range or to the Wherein the processor is configured to: for each detected Inflection point and the preset reference differentialģ. Rate or the differential coefficient decrease rate based on aĭifference between a differential coefficient at the detected Inflection point, calculate the differential coefficient increase Wherein the processor is configured to, for each detected The change of the electrode reaction resistance is an increase ofĢ. Preset reference increase rate range or to a preset referenceĭecrease rate range and adjust a magnitude of a charge current orĪ discharge current of the battery only when it is determined that Of calculated differential coefficient increase rates andĭifferential coefficient decrease rates collectively belong to a Reaction resistance of the battery based on whether the plurality Sensors with the estimated SOC for each detected inflection point,Ĭalculate a differential coefficient increase rate or aĭifferential coefficient decrease rate based on a preset referenceĭifferential coefficient determine a change of an electrode Processor configured to: estimate a state of charge (SOC) of theīattery detect a plurality of inflection points in SOC-voltageĭata of the battery mapping the voltage measured by the one or more Sensors configured to measure a voltage of the battery and a A apparatus for diagnosing a battery, comprising: one or more It is diagnosed that the electrode reaction resistance is Magnitude of a charge or discharge current of the battery only when Preset reference increase or decrease rate range, and adjust the Increase or decrease rate at each of the plurality of inflectionĭata detected based on a preset reference differential coefficient,ĭiagnose a change of an electrode reaction resistance of theīattery depending on whether the plurality of calculatedĭifferential coefficient increase or decrease rates belong to a

jerome bae yoon jung

Invention is credited to Yoon-Jung Bae, Dae-Soo Kim, Dong-Kyu Kim, Ji-Yeon Kim, Jae-Hyun Lee.Īpparatus and Method for Diagnosing BatteryĪ apparatus for diagnosing battery includes a sensing unitĬonfigured to measure a voltage of a battery and a processorĬonfigured to estimate a state of charge (SOC) of the battery,ĭetect a plurality of inflection data from SOC-voltage data of theīattery where the voltage received from the sensing unit and theĮstimated SOC are mapped, calculate a differential coefficient The applicant listed for this patent is LG Chem, Ltd. This patent application is currently assigned to LG Chem, Ltd.

jerome bae yoon jung

patent application number 16/643907 was filed with the patent office on for apparatus and method for diagnosing battery.

Jerome bae yoon jung